KC Condo Tracker

Cosentino's Downtown Grocer Goes Balls Out Nov. 1

September 18th, 2008 10:05 AM by AJ Gentry

There's typically two types of business launches (1) a soft launch where you tip toe into the marketplace (2) a hard launch where you prepare like mad and open with all you've got. On Nov. 1, 2008, the Cosentino's family will open downtown Kansas City's first full-fledged grocery store in a third type of new product launch -- Balls out, bigger than life, and holding nothing back.

It's both courageous and impressive to watch a business not pussy foot around during volatile economic times. I applaud the Cosentino's for giving us their all and beg all downtowners to support the new big-ass store and it's 60 ft. salad bar, 1500 wine selection, two chef's and all with all your wallets have to give.

The store will have two entrances — one on 13th Street, another to the parking lot where it will have 136 spaces. Customers can get their parking ticket validated. Bring your appetite, debit card, and friends.

Posted in:General
Posted by AJ Gentry on September 18th, 2008 10:05 AM



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